Since August, the mountaineering lexicon has been available on the website of the Croatian Mountaineering Association, with over 700 different terms used in mountaineering.
The creator of this valuable work is the Commission for Promotion and Publishing of HPS in cooperation with the Commissions for Education, Hiking Trails, Mountaineering Facilities, Nature Protection, Speleology and many other associates.
All those interested can find the subtitle Mountaineering Lexicon under the information on the HPS website and find out all the terms that interest them and that are used in the plan.

The Croatian Mountaineering Association has enriched its website with new attractive content, the Interactive Mountaineering Map of Croatia.
The map is available at, and it can also be accessed from the HPS website, which contains information on Croatian peaks as well as mountaineering facilities.
Its purpose is to make it easier for mountaineers to plan excursions, hiking trails and mountaineering facilities.
This valuable work, which is much easier to find, was done by the Commission for
It is important to note that the data are based on official registers and databases within the Croatian Mountaineering Association.
The data on the interactive map contain more than 1,100 routes, and more than 1,000 various objects related to mountain lodges, houses, shelters, as well as summits and a range of other information.
The interactive mountaineering map was made by the President of the Executive Board, associate in the Commission for Hiking Trails, holder of the HPS gold badge, mountaineering guide, markacist and member of the Editorial Board of the Croatian Mountaineer Grundler who made this interactive map pure volunteerism by investing a lot of effort and time from which this exceptional work emerged.
This map will serve many mountaineers both in our country and other mountaineers from neighboring countries.



Na mrežnim stranicama Hrvatskog planinarskog saveza od mjeseca kolovoza dostupan je planinarski leksikon gdje se nalazi preko 700 raznih izraza koji se koriste u planinarstvu.
Tvorac ovog vrijednog djela Komisija za promidžbu i izdavaštvo HPS-a u suradnji sa Komisijama za školovanje,planinarske putove,planinarske objekte,zaštitu prirode, speleologiju kao i mnogi drugi suradnici.
Svi zainteresirani mogu na web stranici HPS pod informacijama naći podnaslov Planinarski leksikon i saznati sve one izraze koji ih zanimaju i koji se upotrebljavaju u

Hrvatski planinarski savez obogatio je svoje web stranice novim atraktivnim sadržajem, Interaktivnom planinarskom kartom Hrvatske.
Karta je dostupna na adresi,a može joj se pristupiti i sa stranica HPS-a koje sadrže podatke o hrvatskim vrhovima kao i planinarskim objektima.
Namjena joj je olakšati planinarima planiranje izleta,planinarskih putova kao i planinarskih objekata.
Ovo vrijedno djelo koje u mnogoćemu olakšava snalaženje učinili su Komisija za planinarske putove, Komisija za planinarske objekte, te Komisija za promidžbu i izdavaštvo.Važno je napomenuti da se podaci baziraju na službenim registrima i bazama podataka unutar Hrvatskog planinarskog saveza.
Podaci koji se nalaze na interaktivnoj karti sadrže više od 1.100 putova, te više od 1.000 raznovrsnih objekata koji se odnose na planinarske domove, kuće, skloništa kao i vrhove te niz drugih informacija.
Interaktivnu planinarsku kartu izradio je predsjednik Izvršnog odbora,suradnik u Komisiji za planinarske putove, nositelj zlatnog znaka HPS-a, planinarski vodič, markacist te član Uredničkog odbora Hrvatskog planinara
Grundler koji je ovu interaktivnu kartu sačinio čistim volonterizmom ulažući mnogo truda i vremena iz koje je nastalo ovo iznimno djelo.
Ova karta služit će mnogim planinarima kako kod nas tako i ostalim planinarima iz susjednih zemalja.


Posted in News.